0016: Diana Waters - Preserving the Beauty and Spirit of the Horse
Preserving the Beauty and Spirit of the Horse About Diana - Diana commenced riding in the UK and worked in 15 different riding schools and trail riding centres. She was already qualified with the BHS before commencing training with Heather Moffett. It was while she was training with Heather that she was introduced to the Equisimulator. Heather has now moved to Australia and lives on the Central Coast in NSW. Diana's Mission - to enable people and horses to learn together in a way that preserves the beauty and the spirit of the horse and allows horse and human to discover a shared joy which enriches the lives of both Who Has Inspired Diana - Heather Moffett - Laura Biddle, owner of Green Cottage Riding School, where Diana learnt to ride - Nick Foot, of Oakfield Icelandics, who is a wonderful example of how to love, respect and enjoy horses - Rita Mercer, who gave Diana her first proper job at Dorset Heavy Horse Centre - Her mum Ruth, who still looks after childhood ponies Jimbo, Peanuts and Svalur and who has always supported Diana with great enthusiasm in everything horsey Recommended Books - Enlightened Equitation by Heather Moffett - Cobbs Can by Omar Rabia About This Episode - In this episode, Diana tells us about a pony who she shared with the rest of the family called 'Jimbo' and some of the experiences she had. She also explained how the Equisimulator works and how it was used to improve her riding. Diana told us about a pony she is now working with, the unique methods she has used to train this pony and explains how her training tip 'slow down' has helped. Time Stamps and Contact Details for this Episode are available on www.HorseChats.com/DianaWaters MusicBenSound.com