0006: Sue Chandler - Riding, travelling, teaching, judging - Sue is living the horse person's dream
Riding, travelling, teaching, judging - Sue is living the horse person's dream About Sue Sue started working with horses after leaving school in the UK. She ended up running the riding school where she learnt to ride. Sue returned to Australia in the late 70s and spent some time at the Australian Equestrian Academy in Queenscliff then Oakwood Riding School. Sue didn't own her own horse until she was 26! She rode many other horses until then - ex-racehorses, young warmbloods, breaking in . . . you name it and she rode it because she said that is how you learn. Sue rode eventing to Novice level, mostly on young horses and has ridden to Grand Prix dressage. She has 2 mares (thanks to her friend Carol Simpson) who she endeavours to compete on. Now she is a Coach, Coach Educator and Judge Educator. Sue travels around Victoria and interstate doing what she loves - coaching, judging and educating people and their chosen horses, whatever they may be! Sue's Favourite Inspirational Quote - No hour of life is wasted, that has been spent in the saddle (Winston Churchill) Who Has Inspired Sue - Fred Hoevennars, Edgar and Marianne Lichtwark - work with the horse, listen to the horse Recommended Book The Principles of Riding - German National Equestrian Federation Tellington Touch Books About This Episode Sue recalls some of the horses she has ridden and why she has the horses she currently rides. She talks about why she didn't own a horse until she was 26 and also about the type of lifestyle she has designed around her horse career. Time Stamps and Contact Details for this Episode are available on www.HorseChats.com/SueChandler MusicBenSound.com