Cannabis in Asia - Glenn Davies
In Episode #22, we are joined by Glenn Davies, CEO of CannAcubed, a cannabis technology company based in Singapore. We discuss: Why cannabis is an attractive crop for countries in Asia, even where legalization for domestic consumption may not be on the horizon for many years. How the UN's sustainability goals dovetail with cannabis growth, including Life on Land, Responsible Production, Poverty Alleviation, and Climate Action. Which countries in Asia are rising stars in the cannabis space. Why Asian cannabis is more sustainable than the North American cannabis model. The launch of the Asia Industrial Hemp Association and what it is doing for governments and companies in Asia. Reading, listening, and watching recommendations from: Glenn Biofuels in Asia - An Analysis of Sustainability Options (USAID) Sustainable Development: Building a Case for Hemp by Pauline Sullivan, Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, and Tun Lin (Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management) Fred - This Land podcast by Rebecca Nagel Jonathan - Hong Kong Security Law Sparks Race for Asia's Next Financial Capital (Nikkei Asian Review)