Brazil - Rodrigo Guedes Nunes
In this first episode, we discuss Brazil with Rodrigo Guedes Nunes, international business attorney and Vice President at Kaivo Biotech. We cover: How Brazil is dealing with the COVID-19 crisis and the expected short- and long-term economic effects (teaser: Brazilian businesses are just starting to take it seriously); What Brazilians think about their largest trading partner, China, and their second-largest trading partner, the U.S. (teaser: China is an important trading partner, but Brazilians generally have more affinity for the U.S. than China); Why the next several months will provide a unique and unprecedented opportunity for MaA activity for U.S. companies that want to invest in Brazil (teaser: many Brazilian companies with good products and customer bases will need outside capital and partners to survive post-COVID-19); How Brazilian legislation provides opportunities for foreign investment and how to deal with bureaucracy (teaser: good rule of law, but you need good local advisers to facilitate your plans); and What is Brazil’s current business environment (teaser: Brazil is open for business and is very pro-Western ideals and developing relationships).