Where Success Comes From with Brian Scudamore
Think back to your high school graduation. You’re wearing your cap and gown and all around you, your friends and family are buzzing with excitement. Your name is called and you walk up to accept your diploma. You shake the principal's hand, wave to the crowd, and head back to your seat. It’s over in what feels like the blink of an eye. But after the buzz dies down, a big question hits you: What does the future hold? Maybe you’re planning on college? Maybe a job? If you’re lucky, maybe you’ve saved up and have a year in Europe in mind. But for Brian Scudamore, the next step was very off the beaten path… and into a beaten old pickup. “I have built a company that started with one truck back in 1989 and 30 years later we're… a $370 million business in Canada, the United States, and Australia… By 2022, we will be a billion dollar business. This year, we’re at $444 million.” Brian is the entrepreneur behind 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. Brian saw opportunity where others saw drudgery. From that unglamorous beginning, he’s built an empire by always seeing the opportunity in every circumstance, even in the midst of his own mistakes. --- Learn more about The Journey at mission.org/thejourney. The Journey is sponsored by our friends at Salesforce Essentials. We use Salesforce Essentials every day and it’s part of our own business journey. Essentials combines sales and service tools in a single app to help small businesses win customers and keep them happy. See how Salesforce Essentials can help you be your best business at salesforce.com/thejourney