Following Your Gut with Christine Volden
Christine Volden may not fit the salesperson stereotype. She doesn’t like fast-talking and has no desire to create high-pressure situations. Her method is quite the opposite; she helps entrepreneurs become great salespeople by teaching them to listen to their gut and find their true purpose. She learned those lessons herself through many experiences — both good and bad — and shares that hard-won confidence through her sales coaching at Soulful Selling. If you ask Christine, the moment a salesperson believes in themself and knows why the sale matters to the customer, they’re already most of the way there. “When I worked in the corporate world, I was so busy and I was so disconnected from what my gut and my intuition were saying. And a bunch of people I talk to are like this. That's such a common entrepreneurial mistake. They just stay stuck in their head and they're over analyzing everything and there's just no amount of analysis that's going to get you to make certain decisions.” Learn more about The Journey at The Journey is sponsored by our friends at Salesforce Essentials. We use Salesforce Essentials every day and it’s part of our own business journey. Essentials combines sales and service tools in a single app to help small businesses win customers and keep them happy. See how Salesforce Essentials can help you be your best business at