Episode 023: Jason and Todd Alström
In episode 23 of the Brewbound Podcast, Jason and Todd Alström sit down for a discussion about the business of beer festivals, the future of print journalism within beer, A-B InBev’s investment in competitor beer ratings website RateBeer, and what it’s like to be at the center of a controversy that is unfolding on the BeerAdvocate forum. Also in this episode: Furnari and Kendall discuss forthcoming acquisitions by a well-funded cannabis company, brewery closures in Portland, Oregon, and the disturbing allegations of sexual misconduct by the owner of a small craft brewery in Ohio. Show Notes: 0:00 – 23:40: Furnari and Kendall introduce episode 23 and discuss recent news items.23:40 – 52:40: Furnari and Kendall interview the Alströms52:40 – 1:05:19: Furnari and Kendall share their takeaways from the interview and rundown segments