What's next for the Japanese LNG market and why Canadian LNG is looking good
What will impact LNG demand in the worlds largest market? How Japanese buyers are changing the way they buy LNG? How the Western Canadian Woodfibre project is getting closer to sanction and what other factors are driving a rosier picture for future Western Canadian LNG projects?00.00 Intro00.57 Prices1.48 Japanese LNG Demand1.48 Japanese LNG Demand Outlook3.51 Nuclear Uncertainty impact on LNG demand5.30 Expectations for coal fired power6.45 Japanese Energy Policy8.45 Tokyo Gas Shell Coal Indexed Contract11.34 Japanese LNG buyer contract innovation13.20 What Japanese buyers want in contracts and arbitrations 15.05 Canadian LNG Supply Outlook15.48 Woodfibre Project16.50 Cambrian Acquisition19.10 Woodfibre LNG Contracts21.42 Wider LNG supply business environment in Western Canada23.30 How Canadian LNG can become greener25.54 Other new project developments and innovation in project design and structuring