The Tapes Have Leaked and How to Keep Your Cool in Outer Space
The tape has been leaked! Secret recordings between then candidate Trump and his long time fixer Michael Cohen was released to CNN. Many have been waiting for this audio to drop, but what does it actually show? It’s not a smoking gun of any kind, but does point to a scandal suppression operation for Trump. Blake Hounshell, editor in chief of Politico Magazine joins us to discuss what the tape says and what it all means. Next, what does it really take to be an astronaut and handle the extreme environment of space? Panicking while in space can be deadly, so how does one train to stay alive in emergencies? Corey Powell, contributing writer to NBC News joins us to talk about the intense training astronauts go through and what the key things they must learn in order to make it in space. Finally, remember when President Trump met with Kim Jong Un and said that they will be taking steps to denuclearize? Well it looks like they actually might be coming to the table. Satellite images are showing that North Korea has started dismantling a rocket launch site. We still have a long way to go, but they are steps in the right directions. Alexandria Sage, reporter for Reuters, joins us for more. Learn more about your ad-choices at