The Death of the Teenage Summer Job and the True Reason for President Trump's Space Force
What has happened to the great American summer job? America’s teens just aren’t working as much anymore. More teens are going to school over the summer, some are doing community service works, and others are just taking unpaid internships. Drew DeSilver, senior writer at the Pew Research Center joins us to talk about why the number of teens with summer jobs has dropped and what type of work they are getting in to. Next, we will talk about the new arms race that is threatening to explode in space. It was mid-June when President Trump announced that he wanted to create a Space Force. While some may have thought it was just another rambling by the president… it might be much more necessary that you think. Garrett Graff contributing editor to Wired joins us to discuss why we need someone looking out for us in space. It has a lot to do with GPS and China and Russia are major players. Learn more about your ad-choices at