Trump Moves on Border Separation Issue, Still a Major Legal Hurdle
President Trump has signed a directive ordering the cessation of separating families at the border in favor of detaining families as a unit. This poses a major legal battle and an impeding vote on the two proposed immigration bills later today. We detail what he signed and what will happen to the thousands of kids already separated from their parents. Also, another major merger is in the works as Disney puts in a huge bid to buy Fox. Media reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Keach Hagey, has all the details and tells us if she thinks Comcast may still try to counter and buy Fox outright. Finally, are you sick of your avocados going bad before you get a chance to enjoy them? Buzzfeed food reporter Venessa Wong has the solution in the form of a new company called Apeel. You have to hear this story to believe it! Learn more about your ad-choices at