Episode 8: Increasing Access to CFP® Professionals — CFP Board CEO Kevin Keller and Director of Marketing Jason Gudenius, Discuss CFP Board Strategies
Welcome to CFP Board Certificant Connections, a podcast powered by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. CFP Board is the professional standard-setting body for more than 83,000 CFP® professionals nationwide! In each episode, CFP Board discusses the latest in the financial planning profession, takes a deep dive into a key topic, and answers your questions about financial planning. Dan Drummond and Kevin Keller talk to Jason Gudenius. Key Takeaways [:30] Dan Drummond is joined by co-host Kevin Keller, CEO of CFP Board and Jason Gudenius to talk about increasing access to CFP® professionals but before introducing today’s guest, Dan and Kevin give an overview current events at the CFP Board. [:45] Kevin Keller talks about the Center for Financial Planning’s new Career Path Guide: Financial Planning Career Paths Building More Sustainable and Successful Businesses with the help of signature sponsor: BNY Mellon Pershing. [3:30] Susan John (Chair of CFP Board) recently testified before Congress. Kevin Keller explains what she urged them to do about regulation BI. [5:14] Kevin gives listeners an update on the places he’s visited in the last month, who he met with, why it was pertinent and where he has plans to go to next. [7:09] Dan Drummond introduces today’s guest Jason Gudenius — CFP Board Director of Marketing — and Kevin asks him why it’s important to focus on increasing access to CFP professionals. [12:15] Jason breaks down what the CFP Board research has identified as barriers for people becoming CFP® professionals as well as the steps that have been taken to break those down. [13:59] Kevin and Jason discuss the Candidate Forum and the wealth of information shared by its 62,000 subscribers. [15:52] Jason talks about the mentoring program that started as a women’s focused initiative and has now evolved to include everyone. [17:36] The practice exam, as well as the career center, are other initiatives pushed by the CFP Board, Jason and Kevin detail what the objectives are for these. [21:02] Kevin asks what things the CFP Board Marketing team does that people might be surprised about. [21:55] Is the CFP Board marketing only to the big firms? [22:28] Kevin talks about the newest addition to the CFP Board team. [23:50] Dan and Kevin thank Jason for coming on the podcast to talk about the efforts of the CFP® Board’s marketing efforts to increase CFP® certification. Thank you for listening to Certificant Connections; for more information on any of the topics we discussed today, visit our website and check out our blog. To submit questions, email us at podcast@cfpboard.org. If you enjoyed the show, we hope you visit Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you listen to your podcasts to subscribe, rate and leave us a quick review. Join us next time for another edition of Certificant Connections. Mentioned in this episode The Center for Financial Planning’s Career Path Guide: Financial Planning Career Paths Building More Sustainable and Successful Businesses. Signature sponsor: BNY Mellon Pershing Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Candidate Forum on cfp.net Bios Dan Drummond is the Director of Communications of Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board). Kevin R. Keller is Chief Executive Officer of Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board). Jason Gudenius is Director of Marketing of Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board).