FEEDSTUFFS PRECISION PORK Market Report – January 29
In this episode of Feedstuffs Precision Pork, Erin Holmes, Ph.D., swine nutritionist with Provimi, fills in for host Dave Bauer. She offers some hog market perspective and market highlights for the week as well as provides some tips on how to efficiently manage nutrition in the face of high feed costs.The recent rally in ingredient prices continues to hold. Have we reached a point where prices have demanded acres for this spring? Holmes believes perhaps we have. In South America, rains are hindering harvest and replanting of the next crop. At the same time, export demand for U.S. soy to Europe is on the rise. In China, reports are that there were large purchases of ethanol and corn this week. This has fueled the market. This is the largest purchase of ethanol seen by China. What’s ahead? Holmes explains.These are uncertain times and it will pay dividends to be well-prepared. If you have questions on this week’s recap or want to discuss something not covered, feel free to ASK DAVE at David_Bauer@cargill.com. Plan today for tomorrow’s success. Follow Feedstuffs Precision Pork on your favorite podcast platform or find it on www.Feedstuffs.com and www.NationalHogFarmer.com