FEEDSTUFFS PRECISION PORK Market Report – January 22
In this episode of Feedstuffs Precision Pork, Dave Bauer, senior market analyst for Provimi, offers some hog market perspective and market highlights for the week as well as provides things to think about as we enter the new year.What could China’s new testing protocols on imported cold-chain items mean for pork coming into that country? Bauer says among other things it certainly could slow down shipping and clearance times. Even though the World Health Organization does not support China’s claims of COVID on cold-processed items, China continues to test. What about China’s sow herd? Bauer says it’s headed upward according to reports. Where is China at in it's rebuild? Bauer explains. These are uncertain times and it will pay dividends to be well-prepared. If you have questions on this week’s recap or want to discuss something not covered, feel free to ASK DAVE at David_Bauer@cargill.com. Plan today for tomorrow’s success. Follow Feedstuffs Precision Pork on your favorite podcast platform or find it on www.Feedstuffs.com and www.NationalHogFarmer.com