0684-Radi0: New Canaan’s Steve Haberstroh and MLB’s ‘Lou Gehrig Day’ (March 11, 2021)
This week, we talk to New Canaan resident Steve Haberstroh. Known to many in town as a member of the Parks a Recreation Commission, Steve also is a member of a rather extraordinary family. His mom, Patty, was diagnosed about three-and-a-half years ago with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ‘ALS.' In the midst of the viral Ice Bucket Challenge that swept across the world at the time, his family designed a Hot Pepper Challenge that raised more than $700,000 in its own right for ALS Therapy Development Institute. More recently, the Haberstrohs have been one of the ALS families advocating for Major League Baseball to institute Lou Gehrig Day to raise awareness of the disease. And this summer, on June 2, all 30 MLB teams will observe Lou Gehrig Day. We talk to Steve about his family, about ALS and about his feelings as this milestone summer nears.