Reach Higher. Dig Deeper. GO PLACES. At Guilford.
If you wish for your child to be accepted, this show is for you. If you root for the underdog, this show is for you. Today, our guest, President Jane Fernandes, is one of the most fascinating leaders I’ve ever met. Jane is the ninth president of Guilford College and the first deaf woman to lead an American college or university. I cannot wait for you to hear her tell her story. I was stopped in my tracks when she revealed that she did not learn American Sign Language until she was in graduate school. Most exciting is what Jane is doing at Guilford College. She calls it Uncommon Engagement. What was once a traditional 15 week semester, is now an Uncommon experience. Wait until you hear about the 3/12 program. What I love most about Jane is her belief that EVERYONE is a born leader, and given the right passion and platform, she encourages all students to find their voice. And I can tell you right now, that is exactly what students are doing at Guilford.