Traditional and Transfer: Multiple Pathways To Your Dream College
Straight Out Of High School is the traditional pathway to college. But so many overlook another obvious option: Transferring. Students can transfer from community college or from a different 4-year institution. At the end of the day The difference between a traditional student and a transfer student is basically, nothing. A different college experience, but the same diploma and resume. Our guest today, Mark Rasic, currently works as the Director of College Counseling at one of the top private high schools in the greater Los Angeles area, Polytechnic in Pasadena. Where did Mark graduate from? USC. YEP. Mark Transferred to USC after spending time at another 4-year institution and community college. After graduating, Mark spent time as a teacher and a college admissions officer at a number of institutions. Today you will hear his story, how he got there, and how he helped a young man with his plan to transfer into USC. Both stories are amazing.