Make A Plan, Work The Plan and The Plan Will Work

The 1979 Harvard MBA study set out to analyze goal setting among graduates. The study asked only one question, “Have you set written goals and created a plan for their attainment?” · 84% of the entire class had not set any goals. · 13% had written down goals, but had no plan. · 3% of the entire class had both written down goals AND created a plan. Find out what happens when you MAKE A PLAN! The findings are asounding. HINT: 10x MORE is the result. My own anecdotal research tells me that complete belief IN Yourself and your dreams PLUS the written plan is the secret sauce. It is as simple as that. Candice Lapin, Founder and CEO of The Ladder Method is our special guest today. While at Cornell University Candice was practically inventing a specific method she used in her own life and gained academic success. Years later she has helped hundreds of students find success by making a plan. Stick with us today, you are in for a treat Episode 29

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