Destination University: The Final Carpool and Last Drop Off
The past couple of weeks on social media have been a continued stream of what I call the “Final carpool” and the “Last drop off.” It is a parents best and worst day: the drop off to college. The tears, hugs, and photos of new roommates remind me of the airport scene in the movie Love Actually, and the voice over says, “If you look around, Love is actually everywhere.” You know the feeling of full emotion when someone arrives that you have not seen in a long time. Well this is that full emotion of spending a lifetime with someone and now you must let them fly. That cannot be easy for anyone. Somehow when the moment arrives, all the arguments, running late, fights over homework, and spilled soda disappear and all you can remember is their first crawl, first steps, first tooth, first day of kindergarten, first dance, and now their first day of a new beginning, without YOU there every step of the way. Today hear the story of my shero, my mother, Lydia Franco. Episode 27