5 Army Brat Lessons
What happens when you move 11 times before the age of 20? You begin to learn, listen, watch, try, and begin again and again. Learn poignant lessons from this all-star army brat turned esteemed educator. The lesson this week: Change is constant. My question is: Are we shaped by those around us or that which surrounds us? This week our guest, Barbara T. Conner, Director of College Counseling at Foxcroft School in Northern Virginia, shares her extensive experience in helping thousands of adults and teens plan their future and achieve their goals. Using everything she learned on her journey to college, Barbara created the Five First-Choice Colleges© approach to the college admission process. Whether you are right in the midst of applying to college or you are dreaming of college for your pre-teen, you will not want to miss this episode! Barbara believes you can land at your perfect destination: YOUniversity.