Governor Newsom: Californians Should Stay Home

Governor Newsom: Californians Should Stay Home The governor asked all Californians to stay home and leave only for essential trips, to slow the spread of the coronavirus. State officials estimate could infect more than half the population without collective action. Hygiene and Risk Are Part of Life for Immuno-Compromised People We’ve all been trying to avoid a trip to the hospital, keeping our distance, trying to stay germ free. But that was already the daily reality of many who suffer from immune disorders like HIV/AIDS and some cancers. They’re also among the most at risk during this outbreak. Reporter: KQED’s Laura Klivans Coronavirus Disruption: From Anxiety to Grief A lot of what makes this hard is what we don’t immediately understand. It's not just the anxiety about our health and our jobs. It's the less obvious stuff like the loss of our routines and social connections. Here’s a guide to weathering these uncertain times. Reporter: Stephanie O’Neill Rural Californians As the shutdown has gone statewide this week, it feels different in rural parts of California, where residents are already far from a grocery store or even the closest neighbor. We hear what the threat of coronavirus means in Boonville in Mendocino County. Guest: Alice Woelfle, KQED

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