Of Fire and Weeds
A story within a story.
An unremarkable monk, a scholar, a young disciple. A loving wife, a foolish husband. Their lives separated by time, yet cross on a mountain-top, fire & weeds their teachers.
We are seeking podcast support. Blue Collar Zen Podcast is a free offering, and we want to keep it that way, but need support. To date we have received less than $100 in podcast support.
We recently purchased a second mic and a mixer, and plan to offer a new episode each month. It takes a full day to produce each episode. Won't you give if you listen?!
Support through Paypal: www.paypal.me/detroitzencenter
Support through Venmo: #detroitzencenter
Support through Donorbox: www.detroitzencenter.org/memberships
Support through Spotify Podcasts (credit card): https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bluecollarzendetroit/support