BONUS PODCAST: How to Cook 438 Meals a Day for a Year
If you needed to cook 438 meals a day, every day, for a would you go about it? I'd start off with a bigger kitchen; but there is no need to re-invent the wheel here because Monica Alvardo is doing just that with Feed Anne Arundel. March 16, 2020, word came down from Goveror Hogan that all restaurants in Maryland had to be closed immediately due to the COVID-19 virus. That included Monica's Bread a Butter Kitchen in Eastport. Fearing going out of business mshe connected with a customer who ran Arundel Connecting Together or ACT and together, Feed Anne Arundel was born. Feed Anne Arundel is a win-win-win organization to allow restaurants to remain open, people to remain employed, and newly food-insecure neighbors could have nutritious meals. Now, a year into the pandemic, the food insecurity is as prevalent as ever and a cadre of 75+ restaurants, countless volunteers, and the goodwill of our neighbors is helping Monica and her team, quite literally, feed every corner of Anne Arundel County. Listen as we talk about the genesis, the struggles, the fears, the growth and future of an organization birthed at the onset of a global pandemic and is changing the lives of our Anne Arundel neighbors one meal at a time. Have a listen! And, if you'd like to sign up for a food distribution, here's your link: