Episode 10 - John Roberson, Solid Waste Management Director for Wake County
Don't call it a dump. It's a landfill.This week, I sat down with John Roberson, Solid Waste Management Director for Wake County. He's the person you receive emails from when you submit an odor complaint for the South Wake Solid Waste Landfill on the Apex/Holly Springs border.We chatted about what I’d learned on the tour, what was being done to ameliorate the odor problem and a little about the future of the landfill. We also talked about things we as citizens can do to help, and I was also schooled on the topic of why we shouldn’t call the landfill “a dump.”Support for this podcast comes exclusively from local business owners like Silver Lake Construction and Treasured Memories. Listen to what these businesses do, and support them the next time you have the opportunity. Shopping local really does make a big difference in our community.Schedule a tour of the landfill here. Find out how to get a deeply discounted composting bin here. Some ways to reduce your household waste Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/hollyspringsdeepdive)