Ep 5 Train Like an Athlete for the Perfect Body with Erin Stern
Train Like an Athlete for the Perfect Body with Erin Stern
On this episode of Strong By Design, Coach Chris sits down with 2x Ms. Figure Olympia, fitness coach and author, Erin Stern. They go into depth on why training like an athlete is better for physique. Also, stay tuned to hear about the free 5-minute glute workout.
“Look at different athletes, if you want to look that way, then you need to train like them.”
-Erin Stern
Time Stamps:
2:05 Erin Stern’s athletic background
4:17 Why is training like an athlete is better for physique
8:37 Erin’s suggestions for a 90-day transformation
12:30 Glute's workouts
15:52 Top 3 struggles beginning deal with...
17:14 The 6 'foundational' exercises beginners should master
18:30 Encouragement for beginners
19:36 IFBB Elite Pro Competition in South Africa
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