WDID? - Singers (Covid-19)
The brilliant Dr. Paul Kwak, an NYC laryngologist working in the thick of the Covid Crisis, discovered a passion for singers during his time studying at Juilliard. Today we're picking his brain on behalf of singers - or as he calls them 'vocal athletes' - impacted by Covid-19. Our action steps in this episode are: 1. Rest and heal 2. Sing every day - use your "go-to" song as a barometer for vocal health 3. Engage a team. Find a laryngologist and/or voice therapist 4. Check out singforhope.org Want more of "What Do I Do?" in your life? Check us out at WhatDoIDoPod.com and @ WhatDoIDoPod on social. Our music is written and performed by Carli Naff a Aaron Lindenberg. Our Artwork is designed by Subplot Studio.