WDID? - Imposter Syndrome
We're talking with the owner of Haus Urban (@hausurban), digital advertising executive, and content creator Hassan Sayyed about Imposter Syndrome. For our #ActionSteps in this episode: Consider the context. Ask yourself questions about the situation to pinpoint the root of where the imposter syndrome is coming into play. Cut negative self-talk. Speak to yourself the way that you would speak to someone who came to you for advice. Be your own hype-person and stay positive. Visualize your success instead of failure. Check out some of the following resources on Imposter Syndrome to learn more about the who/what/where/when/why of it all. - Time.com article. TedED video. Ted Talk video. "What Do I Do?" can be found at WhatDoIDoPod.com, Patreon.com/wdid_pod, Facebook @WDIDPod, Twitter @WDID_Pod, a Instagram @WDID_Pod. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app