What Happened at the 48th OIC CFM? Ft. Maryam Kiyani | The Pakistan Pivot
In conversation with Maryam Kiyani, Research Journalist at PakistanNow, this episode discusses the OIC’s 48th Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) at Islamabad. What is OIC? What is OIC’s structure? What was the experience of being at the conference like? What was the agenda of the 48th OIC CFM? What were the speeches at the Inaugural session and the Press Takeout on Day 2? What is OIC’s stance on Afghanistan? What is OIC’s stance on Kashmir? What is OIC’s stance on Russia-Ukraine Conflict? What is OIC’s stance on Palestine? Why was China a part of OIC for the first time? What is OIC’s stance on Islamophobia? What is OIC’s stance on economic development of the Muslim world? How do Shia-Sunni conflicts within the Muslim world manifest in OIC resolutions? Is OIC impactful in being taken seriously by the rest of the world? What does OIC’s future look like?
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