How should Pakistan's justice system protect its weak and vulnerable?
In conversation with Barrister Maleeka Bokhari, Parliamentary Secretary for Law and Justice and Chairperson of the Anti-Rape Committee, this episode answers a set of very important questions. What is the state of justice in Pakistan? What are the 700 amendments to the criminal justice system that the Law Ministry has proposed? How will new deadlines to avoid delays in trials be ensured and implemented? What will a plea bargain do and what are the police reforms? What is being done about SCBA’s rejection of the proposed draft of the criminal justice reforms? What is the Anti-Rape Law that was passed in 2020? What does a structure of a victim-centered system look like? What is being done about Usman Mirza and Noor Mukaddam Case? What does gender security in the National Security Policy mean? What is the new act on Protection against Harassment of Women in Workplace? In what way do you think covid-19 changed the world? How do you see Pakistan in 2050?