042: Parviz Parvizi on Clammr, Coffee, Coase and the Economy of Iran
Parviz Parvizi is co-founder of Clammr, a mobile app and platform making audio more social and viral. Users are calling Clammr, which features snack-sized audio clips of 18 seconds or less, the “Instagram of Audio” and “Audio Twitter”. Previously, Parviz worked at McKinsey a Company, Goldman Sachs, the Federal Communications Commission, and O’Melveny a Myers. He has advised top 5 global media companies and mobile carriers on strategy and growth. He was a founder of McKinsey’s iConsumer research initiative on digital consumer behavior, authoring 3 of the Firm’s 10 most-downloaded media sector knowledge documents. Parviz was a Olin Law a Economics Fellow at Yale Law School. At Cornell he majored in economics and served as President of the Cornell Economics Society while an undergraduate. Parviz holds a JD from Yale Law School and AB from Cornell. Find Out: about Clammr, the amazingly new app that shares an18-secondaudio clip just like an audio tweet. about Parviz Parvizi’s journey from Iran to the US. how Parviz Parvizi got his name. about the motivation behind the creation of Clammr and how Parviz and his co-founder solved a problem. how Clammr was built up from the beginning at zero cost. what Clammr found out about podcasting. the difficulties of growing and monetising a podcast and how Clammr is helping podcasters to solve these challenges. about the social aspect of Clammr and how you can share audio snippets to your friends, colleagues and audience. if Clammr will adopt a monetization model similar to YouTube. how Clammr’s ‘Hear More’ button can potentially lead to a paid transaction for users. about the opportunities that exist for users of Clammr in the education sector. how teachers can use Clammr in assessments and how students can collaborate to give their audio response in a mashup-like answer. how Clammr could be the new route for a musician to become known, just like the way Justin Bieber made it using YouTube. and much more. Subscribe on iTunes and get access to all episodes of Economic Rockstar. To find all the links mentioned in this episode with Parviz, visit www.economicrockstar.com/parvizparvizi