028: Alice Louise Kassens on Nudging Students to Study Economics and Why Mainstream Media Should Publish Research on Mental Health

Dr. Alice Kassens is an economics professor at Roanoke College and has already built a notable reputation in her profession.  Alice is the current recipient of Roanoke’s John S. Shannon Professorship in Economics, which honors and supports a faculty member who is an outstanding teacher and accomplished scholar and who is thoroughly committed to enriching the lives of Roanoke students. Dr Kassens’ work at Roanoke includes creating and maintaining an economics program blog and a biannual newsletter, Roanomics. She also serves as the faculty advisor for the College's Economics Club.  Alice's areas of expertise include labor and health economics. She has won several awards and fellowships, and her work has been published in numerous academic journals. Alice is one of three economists who won Cengage Learning’s 2013 Economist Educators Best in Class Award for her method of teaching using Twitter. Dr Kassens is president of the Virginia Association of Economics, has recently been appointed by Governor McAuliffe to his Joint Advisory Board of Economists, is a senior analyst for the Institute for Policy and Opinion Research and is a Referee for the Journal of Economic  Education, the Journal of Economics and Finance Education, and the National Council on Undergraduate Research. Alice is the author of Changing Perceptions and Waistlines - A Bayesian and Behavioral Approach and is known as the ‘Running Economist’ not because of her busy lifestyle but because she is a competitive runner.   Alice earned her bachelor's degree from the College of William and Mary and her Ph.D. from North Carolina State University.    Find out: how Alice's secrets to increasing an economics class size. how Alice uses social media to encourage students to learn economics more effectively. how Twitter can be used to remove the limitations to classroom-specific learning. how Dr. Kassens collects data for the Consumer Sentiment Report for Virginia. how to remove sample selection bias when collecting primary data. how to analyse unobservables using observed data. about the benefits of small-class sizes for learning. which economist Dr. Kassens would love to collaborate with. how being an athlete helped with a career decision to become a health economist. why Dr. Kassens wrote a report on gender disparities in health care in Papa New Guinea. about the gender disparity in depression levels upon losing a job. whether men or women respond better to losing their jobs by continuing to job search. if people lose their job because they were depressed or are they depressed because they’re unemployed? how Dr. Kassens’ research can help people with depression if the media can report her findings to the masses. if people reduce their expectations to live longer once they are diagnosed with Type II diabetes. if obese people who are diagnosed with Type II diabetes respond by losing weight. how writing a blog makes you accountable for what you do and helps you get things done. the importance of why organisations should make their data freely accessible to academics. and much much more. To get access to the shownotes page and all of the links and books mentioned in this episode, please visit www.economicrockstar.com/alicekassens. Thanks for listening and if you have yet to subscribe click here and never miss an episode.

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