003: Erin Lowry on Millennials, College Debt and Asking for the Order
Erin Lowry is a double major in journalism and theatre and writes on finance and money related matters for the millennial generation. She lives in New York and is founder of brokemillennial.com where she is on a mission to explain financial concepts and money saving tips to her fellow Millennials using a little humor along the way. Erin is also a freelance writer for both Daily Finance and US News and World Report. Erin has deservedly been recognized for her astounding contribution to the finance and money industry, being voted ‘Top Finance Blog’ and winner of the ‘Best Personal Finance Blog for Young Adults’. Erin has also been featured on Forbes and Reuters, as well making appearances on TV, radio and other podcasts for her advice. In this interview, Erin mentions and discusses: millennials, Generation Y, student loan debt, credit card debt, savings, habits, business startups, money, returns, net profit, incentives and perfect competition. Find out: how a Krispee Kreme gave Erin her biggest lesson in understanding finance, money and net profit at the tender age of seven. how living in Japan and China during her childhood developed a different money mindset to her fellow consumer-led American peers. how Erin left college debt-free. who are millennials, if you are one and, if so, are you narcissistic and lazy? about the massive student loan and credit card debt taken on by this generation and what you can do about it. the money-saving tips that you can use in college or at work. how saving a little, even $2, from a paycheck now will develop into a powerful life habit. and much more. You can find the show notes to this interview at http://www.economicrockstar.com/erinlowry