Episode 63a: Retelling a Narrative Story, Structure and Style Units 3, Part 1
In this two-part podcast, Andrew reviews the methodology behind and procedure for successfully teaching Unit 3: Retelling Narrative Stories. After a brief overview of the unit, Andrew will walk step-by-step through an assignment, demonstrating Unit 3 methods and concepts for both the teacher/parent and student. GO TO PART 2 Referenced Materials: Click here to download the slides that accompanied the original Structure and Style Units 3 webinar. Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Upgrade Premium Subscription Free Aesop Fables Online Mini Posters Classroom Posters Anna Ingham Dr. James B. Webster, Ph.D Blended Structure and Style in Composition by Dr. James B. Webster, Ph.D Magnum Opus Magazine Writing Source Packet Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons by Lori Verstegen Questions from the Audience: 24:04 - Liz asks "What are your recommendations for supporting a parent whose first language is not English?" 25:09 - Amy asks "as the students use computers more and more, I'm finding that the rough draft is being typed on the computer, edited on the computer, and then printed as a final draft. Should I require my students to print the rough draft, mark it up, correct it, and then re-print it?" 27:12 - Tracy asks "I have a fourth grader doing IEW along with two middle school students, still now working on the who/which and adding -ly next week. The two older are doing -ly, who/which, strong verb, and because clause. How do I catch him up and not make him feel we are going too fast?" 28:59 - Savina asks "Regarding the source can you use a child's own story as a starting point?" 30:41 - Michelle asks "When asking questions and you have more than 3 words to answer, can you add the additional info into a new number?" 31:26 - Christina asks "I'm having a hard time getting my child to re-tell the story. He is eight." 32:39 - Janet asks "Do you need to write a line in the outline for each sentence?" IEW Families Forum IEW Teachers Forum Monthly e-Newsletter Remember to send your questions to Podcast@IEW.com, and perhaps yours will be answered the next time we Ask Andrew Anything (AAA). If you have any questions about IEW or our products, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Team at 800.856.5815 or Info@IEW.com Structure and Style is a trademark of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C.