005: Protein Challenge: Protein Partners Melissa & Heather
I'm doing a 30 Day Protein Challenge with my Protein Partner and I'm inviting you to join us! You can sign up at any time.
Do you know how much protein you’re getting day-to-day? Do you know if it is enough to support healthy muscle maintenance and to prevent age-related muscle loss? Are you like most people who tend to have a “skewed” intake of protein throughout the day – in other words, not much at breakfast and most of it at dinnertime? Do you know what foods in your diet are providing protein, how much they provide, and which sources are considered high quality protein? You'll discover the answers to these questions and more if you join us on this challenge.
In this episode, my protein partner (and healthy food blogger) Heather Shugarman and I discuss what we've learned so far and share tips for getting started and ideas to boost protein at breakfast. We invite you to join in and share your experiences via social media by using the #ProteinChallenge.
For show notes, tips & resources, visit www.SoundBitesRD.com.