Socks and Stuff - Episode 6 - The Knitmore Girls
Even snowmen knit socks!
(Snowman is posing with my mystery sock.)
(Snowman is posing with my mystery sock.)
On the needles:
Lots of socks.
- Swatching for the Not-Your-Standard-Issue Sweatshirt from the Yarn Girls' Guide To Simple Knits. To dart or not to dart? In Divé Autunno.
- More spinning than knitting. "Blackberry Swirl" from Fiber Fiend in Superwash Corriedale.
- We placed a co-op order from Crown Mountain Farms. We love Klaus! (We also love his superwash merino roving!) He's also dyeing yarns now.
When Knitting Attacks:
- Gigi realizes that there is not enough yardage in the Artyarns Supermerino worsted to knit them on itty bitty needles.
- Jasmin is still Sock Blocked.
Mother knows best:
- Swatch for your socks. Really.
- Graft "Hand wash only" socks with red yarn. This is a visual cue to not just throw them in the wash. Also, differentiated labels (red font vs black font) are also quite effective.
We love your feedback! We'll respond to every comment and e-mail - please remember to include your e-mail address (in the given spot) with your comments!
Let us know if there's a topic you'd like to have covered.
World Wide Knit in Public Day!
Saturday, June 14th. We'll be at Santana Row around 1 or 2 PM, knitting until (at least) 4 or 5 PM. Join us! (You may want to bring a chair.)
Plan ahead. Start your winter holiday knitting now! We know it's hot, but really, you'll thank us later.
The First Knitmore Girls Knit-a-Long!
The "Desirée Baby Sweater Knit-a-Long". Knit the baby sweater of your choice. Start soon! (We're putting together a Ravelry group, I promise.)