Mike Church Show-The CDC Flip Flop On Face Diapers Proves They Made The Whole CoronaHoax Up

Time  Red Pill Topics a Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show            844-5CRUSADE Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World. HEADLINE RUNDOWN - 33m HEADLINE: Delta Air Lines says new employees must be vaccinated for the coronavirus by Lori Aratani  So if you are currently an employee you have to provide a ‘sufficient’ reason as to why you don’t want to take the vaccine, they will allow you to not take it. ALL future employees will have to take the vaccine for employment. All the more reason if you are paying attention to the ‘shedding’ this vaccine does, you can start to make a list to avoid certain airlines. SIDE BAR: MOVIE - Catch Me If You Can w/ Leonardo DiCaprio 44m HEADLINE: Airlines May Start Weighing Passengers Amid Obesity Crisis by ZeroHedge Tyler Durden So they will start weighing passengers that seem large to force them to pay for an extra seat. FAA -  Safety reasons and fuel calculations. HEADLINE: 246 Fully Vaccinated People in Michigan Test Positive for COVID-19; 3 Dead by Zachary Stieber  If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O'Connell directly at sales@mikechurch.com or Candace her personal email candace@mikechurch.com Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia. BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: http://brave.com/mik060 We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser. If you like what you are hearing here on The Crusade Channel, please consider making a one time donation. https://crusadechannel.com/donate-to-the-crusade-channel/ 7:15am cst Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders. Listen to us on ShortWave - 5850 Interphobia = as coined in a fantastic 2010 blog post by openly intersex and trans* Professor Cary Gabriel Costello, PhD — is another term for what we have been calling “intersexphobia” for several years. Intersexphobia and Interphobia are defined as negative attitudes and feelings towards people who are believed to possess biological sex traits that are not typically male or female, known as Intersex Traits (whether they are actually born with them or simply exhibit non-bonary gender identity or expression, which is commonly associated with having congenital Intersex Traits. 1h30m AUDIO/VIDEO: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky - “Not all of those 223 case who had OCIVD actually died OF COVID. They may have had mild diseases but died, for example, of a heart attack.” (now all of the sudden the CDC wants there to be a distinction of WITH and OF COVID) WAIT WAIT WAIT - SO WHAT WE WERE SAYING IN THE BEGINNING OF THIS NOW MAKES SENSE TO THE CDC WHEN DEALING W/ VACCINE DEATHS? There is now a distinction of dying WITH COVID and FROM COVID? 1h41m AUDIO/VIDEO: Rachel Maddow - “I fell like will have to rewire myself so that when I see someone outside w/o a mask I don’t INSTANTLY think you are a threat or you are selfish or you are a COVID denier.”  These people need our prayers. She publicly admits she has treated non-maskers as a THREAT. From the party that screams “respect me and everyone deserves human dignity” she admits to do just the opposite during this virus outbreak. What happens when us Catholic/Christians withdraw from the society and form our own? They will see what a life w/o Christ is really like. HEADLINE: Leftists Want Us Dead.

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