185: JRR Tolkien and True Fairy Tales [Podcast]
Was JRR Tolkien correct when he said that Christianity is the “true myth”? Does the word “myth” imply lies or falsity? Dr Taylor Marshall and Fr Dwight Longenecker discuss the vocation of the story teller and the art of story telling in light of JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Evelyn Waugh, Graham Green, Flannery O’Conner, and others. Find Fr Longenecker’s “True Fairy Tales” series on iTunes or at dwightlongenecker.com Do you find benefit from my videos and podcasts? If so, please help me make more by becoming a Patron via Patreon (and I’ll send you some signed books as a Thank You. Click here to become a Patron. Watch the Youtube video by clicking here. Or listen to the audio mp3 here: The Taylor Marshall Show Podcast is now also available on Spotify: Play “Taylor Marshall Show” inside Spotify. Check out Patreon Patron Benefits! All these video discussions are free. Do you want to recommend a show, get signed books, and show support? Here’s how: click on Patreon Patron link: Become a Patron of this Podcast: I am hoping to produce more free weekly podcast Videos. Please help me launch these videos by working with me on Patreon to produce more free content. In gratitude, I’ll send you some signed books or even stream a theology event for you and your friends. Please become one of my patrons and check out the various tier benefits at: https://www.patreon.com/drtaylormarshall If the audio player does not show up in your email or browser, please click here to listen. If you find this podcast episode helpful, please share this podcast on Facebook. Announcements: * The podcast is now on my channel on Youtube.com * The complete Sword and Serpent Trilogy is now published, including the the third Book: Storm of Fire and Blood. * Download the Study Guide at: http://swordandserpent.com * New classes at New Saint Thomas Institute. We have just begun our New Testament Studies curriculum. Please visit: newsaintthomas.com for more details. I’d love to read your feedback: While you listen to today’s podcast, would you please take 30 seconds to write a review? Please click here to Rate this Podcast! Please Share Your Feedback: * iTunes: 1,706,247 downloads on iTunes as of today. * Youtube: Leave a comment on Youtube here. * SHOUT OUTS: A huge “shout out” to all 832 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. Please rate this podcast by clicking here.