#005: 3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings! [Podcast]
Does your marriage sing? Is your marriage full of joy and lead you closer to Christ? If you would like three strategies on how to supernaturalize your marriage, then you’re going to love this week’s podcast episode! Click to Listen: “3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings!” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 20:5 2) Tip of the Week: Fr Lascance’s book The Young Man’s Guide. 3) Featured Segment: “3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings!” 4) Latin Word of the Week: educatio Leave a Question for Taylor! It’s fun and easy. If you would like to ask me a question and have it featured on the weekly podcast, please click here for an easy way to leave a question. I Want Your Feedback Also, if you enjoyed the podcast, please rate it on iTunes and write one thing you liked about it. Ratings and reviews help others find the podcast! Thank you. Please click here to rate our podcast on iTunes! Please Leave a Comment Question: Please share your own stories about marriage and tips. How do you “supernaturalize” your marriage? You can leave a comment by clicking here. The post #005: 3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings! [Podcast] appeared first on Taylor Marshall.