Episode 105 | Impact Of Kettle Trub On A Pale Lager
It’s commonly believed that kettle trub, the protein-rich gunk that falls to the bottom of the kettle post-boil. should be separated from the wort. In this episode, contributor Cade Jobe joins Marshall to discuss the impact fermenting a pale lager with high amounts of kettle trub has. The Brülosophy Podcast is brought to you by Imperial Yeast who provide brewers with the most viable and fresh yeast on the market. Learn more about what Imperial Yeast has to offer at ImperialYeast.com today. | Relevant Article | Impact Of Kettle Trub On Pale Lager xBmt: http://brulosophy.com/2018/03/26/kettle-trub-pt-3-the-impact-of-age-in-a-cool-fermented-lager-exbeeriment-results/