Episode 104 | Short & Shoddy: Vienna Lager
Originating from the beautiful Austrian city from which it gets its name, Vienna Lager is a slightly darker lager style that tends to favor a more characterful malt flavor as compared to other pale lagers. It's also absolutely delicious! In this episode, contributor Phil Rusher sits down with Marshall to chat about the interesting history of Vienna Lager, traditional methods for brewing it, as well as how one made using Short & Shoddy methods turned out. The Brülosophy Podcast is brought to you by Imperial Yeast who provide brewers with the most viable and fresh yeast on the market. Learn more about what Imperial Yeast has to offer at ImperialYeast.com today. | Relevant Article | Short & Shoddy Vienna Lager: http://brulosophy.com/2019/01/24/short-shoddy-vienna-lager/