Episode 033 | Brewing With Roasted Grains
Necessary for styles such as Brown Ale, Porter, and Stout, roasted grains impart flavors of coffee, chocolate, ash, and nuts. They can also be used to impart a brilliant red color styles like Irish Red Ale. In this episode, contributor Matt Del Fiacco joins Marshall to give this arguably neglected ingredient the attention it deserves, discussing the various types of roasted grains as well as some exBEERiments they’ve done. This and every episode of The Brülosophy Podcast is proudly brought to you by The American Homebrewers Association. Become a member today at brulosophy.com/aha | Relevant Articles | Full Mash vs. Capped At Vorlauf: http://brulosophy.com/2015/11/30/roasted-grains-full-mash-vs-capped-at-vorlauf-exbeeriment-results-2/ Cold Steeping vs. Full Mash: http://brulosophy.com/2017/12/04/roasted-grains-pt-4-cold-steeping-vs-full-mash-exbeeriment-results/ Roasted Barley vs. Black (Patent) Malt: http://brulosophy.com/2016/05/30/roasted-grains-pt-2-roasted-barley-vs-black-patent-malt-exbeeriment-results/ Carafa Special II vs. Chocolate Malt: http://brulosophy.com/2017/08/07/roasted-grains-pt-3-carafa-special-ii-vs-chocolate-malt-exbeeriment-results/