Part One: What do they teach our children? Israel’s Intervention in American Social Studies Curriculum
In part one of this two-part online event series, author and activist, Miko Peled, hosted two round table discussions featuring educators, activists, civil rights advocates, and law experts in order to tackle this critical topic and address the following questions: What evidence exists that demonstrates pro-Israel special interests applying influence and ultimately intervening with public school curriculum as it relates to the Middle East, the portrayal of Arabs, and the Israel-Palestine conflict? What tactics did/do these groups employ to cause their desired shifts within the curriculum and classroom discourse? How do we challenge and fight against this dangerous phenomenon and bring forward an accurate and humanizing accounting of the Palestinian experience in our children’s classrooms? This event was held online via Zoom on June 25, 2020 Guest Panel: Zoha Khalili, Staff Attorney @ Palestine Legal Jeanne Trabulsi, Education Committee @ Virginia Coalition for Human Rights Dr. Samia Shoman Ed.D, Educator, Member @ Advisory Committee to the California Ethnic Studies Curriculum Hear more about future events at