Part One: From Corbyn to Sanders: Are Zionist Organizations Targeting Progressive Politicians?
In part one of this two-part online event, author, speaker, and human rights activist, Miko Peled, leads a round table discussion with esteemed journalists, politicians and political activists from both the U.S. and the UK to tackle the question, “Are Zionist Organizations Targeting Progressive Politicians?” This event was held online via Zoom on May 6, 2020. Speaker Panel: Chris Williamson: Former Labour MP for Derby North, and City Council Leader, Activist @ Ali Abunimah: Author, Co-founder @ The Electronic Intifada @ Dr. Wilmer Leon: Author, Host @ Inside the Issues @ Miko Peled: Israeli-American Author a Human Rights Activist @ Summary: Investigative reporting has revealed that special interest, pro-Israel organizations have actively worked to disrupt, discredit and ultimately bring down progressive candidates in the U.S. and the UK. Whether engaging in public smear campaigns or working under the radar to thwart elections, pro-Israel organizations and individuals have invested millions of dollars in resources to weaken and sabotage progressive electoral campaigns. The common thread among the targets of these attacks is their persistent call to secure Palestinian rights and stand up against Israeli aggression, thus threatening the unflinching U.S. and UK support for the state of Israel. #fromcorbyn2sanders Hear more about future events at