Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro from New York
In this episode, Miko connected with an old friend, Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, a retired rabbi emeritus of a congregation in Queens, New York. The rabbi is an author known for his exceptional understanding of Judaism and various components of Jewish identity and is perhaps best known for his original and outspoken stance defending the historic Orthodox Jewish position that rejects the concept of Jewish nationalism and thus, opposes Zionism. Miko and Rabbi Shaprio had a thorough conversation about anti-Zionism in the context of Orthodox Judaism, the origins of this movement, how it plays out within Israel, anti-semitism, and nation state building in the name of Judaism. It’s a fascinating conversation and viewpoint that is seldom brought onto into the greater conversation of Palestine and Israel. **Don't forget to register for our upcoming two-part online event, “From Corybyn to Sanders: Are Zionist Organizations Targeting Progressive Politicians?” which will feature two excellent guest panels. Part one will take place on May 6th and part two is May 13th. Go to mikopeled.com to register for this event which will be held on Zoom.** Music credits: Sabaya Al Intifada - “Jabal Al Zaytoun” Maurice Louca, “Al- 'Asr Adh-Dhahabi (The Golden Age)” Solidarity www.mikopeled.com