The Distinction Between The Office of The Prophet a The Place of The Seer - Pt6
Join us again for Part 6 of this dynamic teaching series - "THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE OFFICE OF THE PROPHET a THE PLACE OF THE SEER". Every Friday is 'The Lord's Supper' here on Global Spiritual Revolution Radio where we have guest leaders within the Global Apostolic 'Five-Fold Apostolic Ministries' according to Ephesians 4:11.We have in our Global Rabbinical Classroom For The Very First Time Here At Global Spiritual Revolution Radio:The Honourable Apostle Victor McGodman a His Wife - The Honourable Doctor Patricia McGodman Both of Christ International Ministries of Laurel, Maryland Will Be Our Very Special Guest Here In Our Studios Both In Toronto, Canada a In Times Square - New York City.Come and be apart of our Global Apostolic Rabbinical Classroom here on Global Spiritual Revolution Radio out of our Main Bloor Street Studios In Downtown Toronto, Canada and also Simulcasting out of our Times Square Manhattan Studios In New York City.Call Into Both Studios Tonight @ 6:30pm EST - (929) 477-3997.