109: But People Don't Get Me!


In this Episode 109: But People Don't Get Me!, I discuss:

*I used to run the Story of people don't get me, or misunderstand who I truly am 

*that yes, this is a reality

*the awareness that when you begin to build a life of Having it All that not everything in your life is aligned anymore as you have levelled up 

*the decisions you will have to make on whether some of the people in your life, where you live, the clothes you wear, the car you drive...does it all fit who you are BEcoming anymore? 

*that you will need to decide whether you are ready to play BIG in your Life, or whether you will continue to play small in order to make others feel okay about their lives

I used to run the Story of people don't get me, or misunderstand who I truly am 

*that yes, this is a reality

*the awareness that when you begin to build a life of Having it All that not everything in your life is aligned anymore as you have levelled up 

*the decisions you will have to make on whether some of the people in your life, where you live, the clothes you wear, the car you drive...does it all fit who you are BEcoming anymore? 

*that you will need to decide whether you are ready to play BIG in your Life, or whether you will continue to play small in order to make others feel okay about their lives


Where do you need to level up in your Life today? 

What is the ONE thing you can do today to who you want to BEcome? 

Buy new clothes? Upgrade your home or car? Get new friends? Declutter your home? Get you car cleaned? Have that conversation with a friend that needs to happen? 

Then send me a private message on my personal Facebook page, post on my wall, or on the Women Wanting More FB page to let me know what has come up for you with this.


Episode 98: The Playground and the Playmates Have to Change

Episode 94: When I Die, I Want People To Say This

 Request to be added to my private FB Community: Women Who Want MORE

Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast) 

Your Daily Revolution (a NEW podcast by my incredible coach, Setema Gali)

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