87: What Say You, Sister?
In this Episode 87: What Say You, Sister? I discuss:
*an interaction I had recently on FB, and how I stood my ground on what I was an inappropriate comment about my Marriage
*my reaction to it, and the positive interaction that came out of it
*the importance of ALWAYS speaking your Truth
*the massive transformations some of my WWM Coaching Clients are experiencing by being HONEST and speaking the Truth
Listen to the latest Women Wanting More podcast episode in iTunes here.
The next time someone comes at you, upsets you, or wrongs you in any way, stand up for yourself.
And then send me a private message on my personal Facebook page, post on my wall, or on the Women Wanting More FB page to let me know what has come up for you from this.
Episode 85: The Prison of Contradiction
Episode 46: Tell the Truth (Stop Lying)
Episode 13: Speak Your Truth...Even if Your Voice Shakes
The next Women Wanting More 90 Day Coaching Experience Webinar: Mindset Matters, is coming up on Wed March 16th at at 10AM MT. I'll be opening up only 10 spots for the next group of Women to go deep in this Group Mastermind Experience and Learn How to Have it All.
Click here to Register for the Webinar, and the chance to apply for one of these limited 10 spots!
Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast)
Your Daily Revolution (a NEW podcast by my incredible coach, Setema Gali)
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