62: WHO Do you Need To Become?
Do you think you you’re not ready yet?
You need more time,
more knowledge,
more resources,
more money,
and a mentor
to DO what you want to DO?
In this Episode 62: WHO Do You Need to Become? I discuss:
*the smokescreen and stall tactic and psychology behind why we don’t act
*the lies we tell ourselves about needing ‘more’ things before we take action
*the concept of not ‘needing’ more stuff, but simply becoming who you want to be
What ONE thing have you been wanting to do?
Instead of thinking you need more resources, time, money, or experience before you pull the trigger, ask yourself this question:
WHO do I need to BECOME to get it done?
Journal it or send me a FB pm, email me, or post on my FB wall what you have discovered, and what is the ONE action step you will take TODAY towards becoming who you want to be?
Episode 60: Shut Up and Listen to the Voice
Episode 12: Create a NEW Story to Get More
Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast)
Warrior on Fire Episode 239: Commitment is an Action
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