61: You Can HAVE it All, You Just Can't DO it All
Do you think you need to DO it all?
Do you WANT to do it all?
Are you pissed off when you can’t do it?
Yup, this used to be me, too.
Until I learned the TRUTH.
In this Episode 61: You Can HAVE it All, You Just Can’t DO it ALL I discuss:
*my past frustration with wanting to do it all, which was unrealistic and impossible
*the expectation some women feel to DO it all as a ‘standard’ or ideal
*the power of having support and others in your Life to be there for you in order to Have it All
*why you need to let go of your story of doing it all, and create a new one in order to Have it All
Where do you need support in your Life right now?
Caring for you home-cooking and/or cleaning?
An accountant for bookkeeper for your finances?
Your fitness?
Take one Action Step TODAY to help with ONE specific area of your life that you need support.
Then Head on over to the Women Wanting More Facebook Page (like the page if you haven't yet) or my Personal Facebook Page, and let me know what the outcome was of you taking action on what the Voice told you to do.
Episode 12: Create a New Story to Get MORE
Episode 22: You Don’t Have to Choose to Have MORE
Episode 59: What it Means When You Feel Overwhelmed
Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast)
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