60: Shut Up and Listen to The Voice
I know you’ve heard it.
The Voice.
AKA your instinct, that gut feeling, your intuition, or your Spidey sense.
Your inner GPS.
But the question is: Do you listen to it?
In this Episode 60: Shut Up and Listen to The Voice I discuss:
*the insights I’ve had in my Life since I began to really tune in and listen to the voice
*that you already know WHAT you need to do, if only you listened to what the Voice is telling you to do
*why you avoid listening by numbing
*what will happen in your Life when you begin to actually LISTEN
The next time you hear the Voice speak, LISTEN, and DO whatever it is it’s telling you to do.
Don’t question it.
Don’t think about it.
Take action IMMEDIATELY.
Then Head on over to the Women Wanting More Facebook Page (like the page if you haven't yet) or my Personal Facebook Page, and let me know what the outcome was of you taking action on what the Voice told you to do.
Episode 59: What it Means When You Feel Overwhelmed
Warrior on Fire podcast (the inspiration for THIS podcast)
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